KR - Update February 13th 2019
Instanced Dungeon
1. An issue with Seal Protectors not appearing in the Makarna of Bitterness under certain circumstances has been fixed.
1. The attributes of some crafted armors and accessories have been increased.
2. The effect of Internet Café Cookies and Leibo Jam will no longer overlap.
3. An issue with Moon Rabbit Costume displaying incorrectly when worn by a player has been fixed.
4. New Appearance Weapons have been added for the Painter.
- Wild Kitter's Paint Rings, Gangster's Paint Rings
Exploration Garrison Defence
1. During certain waves, objects from different waves would sometimes appear. This issue has been fixed.
2. Some wave boss monsters would sometimes appear incorrectly. This issue has been fixed.
1. The icon of Nshop Achievement Buffs has been changed.
2. An icon will no longer appear over the ‘Aion Home’ button when you receive a friend request while being offline.