KR Classic - Update August 9th 2023
Apheta Beluslan
1. Some abnormal terrain around the Apheta Beluslan Fortress has been fixed.
2. Players on the local servers will no longer receive notifications when Apheta Beluslan Fortress battle starts/ends.
- Players on the Unified Battlefield servers will no longer receive notifications when Abyss and Balaurea Fortress battles start/end.
3. A message will no longer appear when a character with a rank of 5 or higher dies in Apheta Beluslan.
1. Effects of some Cleric and Executor skills have been changed.
1. The abnormal behaviour of the “10% increase in PvE Attack against bosses” effect of the [Cumulative Enchantment Effect] has been fixed.
1. Some quests related to Weapons and Armor rewards have been deleted.
- Quests that have been accepted but not finished before the update will be abandoned.
1. Weapon rental and common-grade weapons sales functions have been removed from some NPCs.
2. In accordance with the Daevanion quest-related changes, the following NPCs will no longer offer Divine Lamp and Divine Incense Burner.
- Elyos: Perena, Ophenes / Asmodian: Olda, Gerad
1. The transparent map would display abnormally in the Tartarus Seal. This issue has been fixed.
1. The sound would sometimes play abnormally when activating Battle Cry and Flaming Smashing Strike Artifacts in Apheta Beluslan.
1. Some items have been renamed.
2. The apperance of Seven Seas Bathing Costume has been impreved.
Instanced Dungeon
1. The 100% drop of Accessories in the Udas Temple and Lower Udas Temple from the “Classic Summer Festival” event will remain active.