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Update Cheat Sheet

1. Abyss Stronghold Reinforcement System has been added.

2. Hidden War Fortress were added and compensation in regular War Fortresses has been increased.

3. Difficulty of some instances has been lowered. ( Rune Shield Tower, Sauro War Depot, Runadium, Baruna Research Laboratory)

4. Mythical Accessories and Stigma bundles have been added to Runadium's and Rune Shield Tower's drop.

5. Compensation in Runadium (Heroic) and Rune Shield Tower (Heroic) has been increased.

6. The amount of Ceranium Coins required to buy items has been lowered.

7. Re-emergence of Upper Abyss Garrison quest-related monsters has been reduced.


1. Stronghold Reinforcement system has been added to Magos (Elyos), Tokanu (Asmodian) in the Upper Abyss.
- To reinforce a Stronghold acquire Stronghold Reinforcement points by capturing Fortresses, Garrisons and performing special quests.
- Stronghold Reinforcement relevant information can be viewed by clicking on the Stronghold Reinforcement button in the right bottom corner of your screen.
- Stronghold Reinforcement Window:


Related> Abyss Stronghold Reinforcement System

2. Stronghold Reinforcement Points can be acquired from following sources.

Classification Stronghold Reinforcement Points Acquisition Stronghold Reinforcement Points Deduction
ⓛ Fortress Occupation Occupying an Upper Abyss Fortress
- Krotan, Miren, Kysis Fortress
If occupying race looses the fortress to the Balaur or opposite faction
② Fortress Guardian Commander Maintain the Fortress Guardian Commander that appears in the Stronghold after capturing an Upper Abyss Fortress When you loose Strategy Commander of an allied Fortress to the opposite race
③ Occupying Artefact Bases Occupying Artefact Bases in the Upper Abyss
- 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th Base
Loosing Artefact to the opposite race or the Balaur
④ Occupying Garrisons Occupying Upper Abyss Garrisons
- 50th ~ 55th Garrison, 60th ~ 65th Garrison
Loosing Garrisons to the opposite race or the Balaur
⑤ Monument Retention Maintain a Monument that appears after kill a named monster that spawns at certain time/conditions in the Stronghold When the opposite race takes the Monument or when attack on the named monsters was unsuccessful
⑥ Stronghold Retention Facilities Maintaining Stronghold Retention Facilities in the Upper Abyss When Retention Facilities get destroyed by opposite race
⑦ Quests Upon completing Upper Abyss Stronghold Quest and certain weekly quests, PVP Quest No deduction
  • Stronghold facilities and Quest achievements will reset every Monday at noon, other points will not reset.

3. Stronghold Reinforcement benefits are as follows.

Base Level Benefits Description
Elyos Asmodian
Level 1
Kysis Fortress
Infiltration Corridor
Kysis Fortress
Infiltration Corridor
Infiltration Corridor can be used when opposite race controls the Fortress
(Can be used 10 times)
Signia Corridor Vengar Corridor
Level 2
Additional Benefits
Krotan, Miren Fortress
Infiltration Corridor
Krotan, Miren Fortress
Infiltration Corridor
Infiltration Corridor can be used when opposite race controls the Fortress
(Can be used 10 times)
Garrison Supporters Strengthen Garrison Supporters Strengthen Accept Quests from NPCs and obtain Stronghold Reinforcement Points
<Consumable Item Distributor>
<Consumable Item Distributor>
Sanctum Corridor Pandaemonium Corridor
Level 3
Magos Flight Aura Tokanu Flight Aura Reinforcement effect increases recovery speed of Flight Time
<Flux Merchant>
<Flux Merchant>
<Special Materials Merchant>
<Special Materials Merchant>
<Special Materials Distributor>
<Special Materials Distributor>
<Consumables Merchant
(Ancient Coins)>
<Consumables Merchant
(Ancient Coins)>
<Special Crafting Merchant>
<Special Crafting Merchant>
<Material Merchant>
<Material Merchant>
<Drakan Designs Merchant>
<Drakan Designs Merchant>
Inggison Corridor Gelkmaros Corridor
Level 4
Magos Vitality Aura Tokanu Vitality Aura Reinforcement effect increases maximum vitality
Magos Stronghold Reinforcement
Tokanu StrongholdReinforcement
Accept Quests from NPCs and obtain Stronghold Reinforcement Points
<Ancient Relic Keeper>
<Ancient Relic Keeper>
Ancient Relics, Crowns, Goblets can be exchanged with 150% efficiency
Kaldor Corridor Kaldor Corridor
Akaron Corridor Akaron Corridor
Level 5
Magos Battle Aura Tokanu Battle Aura Reinforcement effect increases your PVP damage
<Consumables Merchant (Insignias of Honour)>
<Consumables Merchant (Insignias of Honour)>
<룬의보호탑 입장
<룬의보호탑 입장
Level 6
Magos Stronghold
Reinforcement Volunteer
Tokanu Stronghold
Reinforcement Volunteer
Accept Quests from NPCs and obtain Stronghold Reinforcement Points
<Equipment Merchant (Battle Medals)>
<Equipment Merchant (Battle Medals)>
Sells Battle Medal items
42% off
<Level 6 Stronghold War Fortress Entry>
<Stronghold War Fortress Entry>
Entrance to the Hidden Krotan War Fortress
<Stronghold War Fortress Entry>
<Stronghold War Fortress Entry>
Entrance to the Hidden Kysis War Fortress
<Stronghold War Fortress Entry>
<Stronghold War Fortress Entry>
Entrance to the Hidden Miren War Fortress
<Runadium Teleporter>
<Runadium Teleporter>
Level 7
<Conditioning Officer>
<Conditioning Officer>
Conditions items at lower price
Rune Shield Tower
Rune Shield Tower (Heroic)
(Additional 4 entries a week)
Rune Shield Tower
Rune Shield Tower (Heroic)
(Additional 4 entries a week)
Additional entries reset every Monday at 12:00pm
Runadium (Heroic)
(Additional 4 entries a week)
Runadium (Heroic)
(Additional 4 entries a week)
Level 8
Additional Benefits
<Augmenting Officer>
<Augmenting Officer>
Augments items with less Abyss Points
Magos Stronghold
Reinforcement Volunteer
Tokanu Stronghold
Reinforcement Volunteer
Accept Quests from NPCs and obtain Stronghold Reinforcement Points
(Additional 2 entries a week)
(Additional 2 entries a week)
Additional entries reset every Monday at 12:00pm
Steel Wall Bastion
(Additional 1 entry a week)
Steel Wall Bastion
(Additional 1 entry a week)
<Steel Wall Bastion Entrance>
<Steel Wall Bastion Entrance>

4. Stronghold Reinforcement Quests have been added.

- Only one character can complete following quests: Elyos , Asmodian .

Related> Stronghold Reinforcement Quest

5. Because of Stronghold Reinforcement System added to the Upper Abyss Fortresses and Garrisons will be reset.
- Reseted Fortresses: Krotan Fortress, Kysis Fortress, Miren Fortress
- Reseted Garrisons: 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th Garrison

Instanced Dungeons

1. ‘Hidden Krotan/Kysis/Miren War Fortresses have been added.
- Can be entered through War Fortress' entrance in the occupied Fortress or through additional entrance when your Stronghold's level is at least 6.
- Each instance shares cooldown with Krotan/Kysis/Miren War Fortress.
- Each instance shares entry count with Krotan/Kysis/Miren War Fortress.

2. Attack patterns of some Instance bosses has been simplified.
- You will now be able to restart the boss fight in you fail in following instances Rune Shield Tower, Sauro War Depot, Runadium, restarting a boss fight will reset the timer.

3. Speed of Rune Shield Tower's streams has been increased.

4. Stats of monsters in Rune Shield Tower, Sauro War Depot, Runadium have been lowered.
- Stats of monsters that appear between regular intervals in Rune Shield Tower have been lowered
- Sauro War Depot's Staff Commander Moriata's stats have been lowered
- Stats of adds in Runadium have been lowered

5. Attack power of monsters in the Baruna Research Laboratory has been lowered.
- Final boss' skills deal less damage.
- Healing powers have been reduced.
- Vitality of Guardian(Archon) Mercenaries has been increased.

- Lowered the amount of keys required to move to the central laboratory.

Before After
1 Key: Injured Belsagos
5 Keys: Unpredictable Belsagos
7 Keys: Fierce Belsagos
1 Key: Injured Belsagos
3 Keys: Unpredictable Belsagos
5 Keys: Fierce Belsagos

6. An issue with Hyperion's shield in Katalamize not disappearing when all generators get destroyed has been fixed.


1. Price of Ceranium Coin gear has been lowered.

2. Probability of obtaining Mythical Accessories from Brigade General Sita of the 40th Army and Guard Leader Achradim in Sauro War Depot has been increased.

3. Runadium and Rune Shield Tower bosses will now drop Stigma bundles and Mythical Accessories.

Related> Rune Shield Tower Accessories

Related> Runadium Accessories

4. Probability of obtaining Evolution materials from Runadium (Heroic) and Rune Shield Tower (Heroic) bosses has been increased, Ballasite Supply Box has been added to the drop.

5. Probability of obtaining Ancient Coins from boxes obtained in Rune Tribe Refuge and Cursed Argent Manor has been increased.

6. You can now obtain Ancient Coins from boxes in Sealed Hall of Knowledge.

7. Fixed probability of obtaining some items from War Fortress Supply Box.

8. Not being able to remodel Princess' Dress, Gentlewoman's Dress has been fixed.

9. Issue with some item names displaying incorrectly has been fixed.

10. Issue with some items displaying incorrectly has been fixed.


1. ‘Stronghold Reinforcement’ icon has been added to the lower right corner, icon layout has been changed.

Before After
A07766c97abc731d26f87de1.png B815b2034e4c3813fe9bf079.png

2. An icon showing whether or not transparent map is locked has been added.
- A padlock will be displayed in the upper left corner of the transparent map.
- The icon has no effect on information being displayed on the map.

3. Padlock in the Quest tracker will now be displayed at all time.


1. Issues with Level 65 Daevanion Quests (Elyos), (Asmodian) not proceeding in some circumstances have been fixed.

- Issue with Alliance Quests not updating for the whole team in the instance has been fixed.
- Issue with ending conversation and not being able to start it over has been fixed.

2. Stronghold Reinforcement quests have been added to the Upper Abyss, rewards for some emergency command quests have been changed.

Before After
Powerful Bundle of Battle Medals 1 Insignia of Honour 2

3. One of Stronghold Reinforcement benefits is being able to complete Hidden Krotan/Kysis/Miren War Fortress Quests.

- Elyos Quest: , ,
- Asmodian Quest: , ,
  • Quests can also be completed in normal Krotan/Kysis/Miren War Fortresses.

4. Re-emergence of Upper Abyss Garrison quest-related monsters has been reduced.

5. Key quests have been added to Mantor, Jormungand's Bridge, Rune Tribe Refuge.

Elyos Quests

Quest Name Min

XP 3,741,284

Modified Rune Armour Box 1


XP 4,825,175

Modified Rune Armour Box 1


XP 4,825,175

Modified Rune Armour Box 1

Asmodian Quests

Quest Name Min

XP 3,741,284

Modified Rune Armour Box 1


XP 4,825,175

Modified Rune Armour Box 1


XP 4,825,175

Modified Rune Armour Box 1

6. Issue with the Asmodian Daevanion Quest not updating when moving through a Rift has been fixed.

7. Fixed an issue with the quests (Elyos) and (Asmodian) where the areas for the quests would not be displayed under certain circumstances.

8. Issue with some quests not being completable has been fixed.

- Affected Quests: ,

9. Issue with some quests requiring Frozen materials has been fixed.

10. Issue with some Alliance/League quests updating only within a very close radius has been fixed.

11. Fixed an issue where incorrect guide information would be given upon failing some quests.

12. Typos in some quests have been fixed.


1. Issue with Balaur monsters not appearing in the Upper Abyss 65th Garrison has been fixed.

2. Emergence of Raging monsters of the Upper Abyss Fortresses will now prompt a system message.
- when a Raging monster appears a system message will be displayed in the center of the screen.

3. Emergence location of Diflonax/Diflodox in the Upper Abyss has been changed.

4. Some NPCs in Inggison were floating in the air, this issue has been resolved.


1. Parts of Abyss terrain has been modified.

2. Parts of Pangaea's terrain has been modified.


Winds of Destiny. Rhapsody 2 - Typhoon Abyss Update
Area Changes to the Upper Abyss
Elyos Stronghold: Magos
Asmodian Stronghold: Tokanu
Abyss Stronghold Reinforcement System
Upper Abyss Garrisons
Upper Abyss Named Monsters
Changes to the Lower Abyss
Archipelago of the Hurricane
Lower Abyss Named Monsters
Items Level 65 Daevanion Set
Kaisinel's Protector Set
Marchutan's Protector Set
Evolved Kaisinel's Protector Set
Evolved Marchutan's Protector Set

Rune Shield Tower Accessories
Runadium Accessories
36th Troops Accessories
Violent Mission's Set
Divine Sauro Commander Set
Diflonax Hairpin
Diflodox Wings
Level 70 Composite Manastones
Insignia of Honour
Magical Ore
Instances Treasure Room Reorganization
Lower Abyss Secret Warehouses
New Battlefield Time Table
Quests New Elyos Missions

New Asmodian Missions

Level 65 Daevanion Quests
Insignia of Honour Quests
Stronghold Reinforcement Quests
System · UI Inventory Expansion
Legion System
Menu System
Additional Instance Admission System
Profile Window
Quest Targets
Fortresses Fortresses Changes
Berserk Fort Spirits
Gathering/Crafting Magic Diogenite Gathering & Crafting Changes
Additional Updates Live Servers
KR - Update July 1th 2015
KR - Update July 8th 2015
KR - Update July 15th 2015
KR - Update July 29th 2015
KR - Update August 5th 2015
KR - Update August 19th 2015
KR - Update September 2nd 2015
KR - Update September 23rd 2015